Wednesday 12 March 2008

Advantages of Going Paperless

In modern day business, many companies are weighing up the option of developing a paperless environment. Electronic management can have a huge impact on the everyday processes and procedures within the company by increasing productivity and streamlining the workflows within. There are numerous benefits to going paperless.
When you are attempting to manage a company with various locations and a number of departments, there may sometimes be two or three copies of the same document and an electronically managed system can eliminate the need for this replication. Take real estate for example where it is often the case that the legal, lease administration and accounting departments will all require a copy of an identical file. This leads to three departments with three totally different filing systems. If an amendment needs to be made, each department will have to be informed so that they can update the requisite document. By scanning the documents and making them available electronically, besides saving space, they become available to everyone who needs them without creating several copies.
A system which is centralised also assists in communication within the company. If all files are being saved to a shared network, they are available to everyone instantly as opposed to the slow process of passing round hard copies. Everybody knows where to look to find the file they are looking for and the overall dynamics of the company can be vastly improved.
By incorporating a web based system into the company, you will be able to allow third parties to view files with ease, without the risk of losing them en route. This could be especially important for legal documents that need to be transferred at speed or for vital information that is required by suppliers. Naturally, you can set limits on the system so that only certain people are able to view specific documents in order to maintain integrity and security. A substantial amount of time can be saved by not having to send copies of documents to various groups but giving instant access instead.
A further benefit of the paperless environment is the speed that you can look something up. Just think about how long it can take to go over to the filing cabinet, sift through hundreds of documents and still not find what you are looking for. With an electronically based system, all it would take is a quick search on the computer, perhaps by keyword of what you are trying to find and it will appear on your screen. As long as the system is managed properly and all documents are named effectively, they will be very easy to locate.
Although it can take a significant amount of time and effort to set up a paperless environment at first, the benefits in the long run will largely outweigh the costs. Once the people within the company get acclimatised to the system you will notice considerable improvements in the time in take to complete tasks and the communication process of doing them.
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Monday 10 March 2008

Starting a Conversation and Making Friends

It's surprising how many people are petrified at the thought of having to start a conversation. All they can think of is that point of social rejection which is always a possibility when attempting to begin some kind of dialogue. However, as we are all aware, these sort of skills are vital for you to get through life at both a personal and professional level so something needs to be done to conquer those innate fears.

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Protecting Your Ideas

In the modern world, everybody is looking for that chance, the golden goose if you will to lift them from obscurity and into the limelight. All it’s going to take is that one idea to lift you from a nobody to a somebody no matter what profession you are in. Just look at the creator of Facebook who at the age of just 23 has made it into the world Rich List for the first time in 2008. However, it’s all well and good finding that elusive idea but how on earth do you go about protecting it from predators in a dog-eat-dog world?

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Sunday 9 March 2008

Are Supermarkets Taking Over the Retail Sector?

Over the past few years, Tesco have headed a supermarket revolution. The chain of stores has got to a point where they are almost the central attraction in many small towns across the country. You want to post a letter, buy new clothes, get a DVD player, get new hardware or ah yes, buy groceries, Tesco have it all. There is no need to go anywhere else. They even deliver to your door! Tesco are slowly but surely taking over the UK.

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Does Product Packaging Significantly Influence Buying Behaviour?

Mr Smith walks into his local supermarket with his wifes' shopping list. He looks down it and notices 'Neutrogena' so goes to try and find it for her. There are various Neutrogena products on the shelf, each with similarly coloured packaging and no way to tell the difference between any of them apart from something called 'Beta Hydroxy' which of course he had no idea what it was. The only difference between the products was the price, so naturally Mr Smith chose the cheaper option.

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Is 40 Really the New 30?

So, it has been suggested that turning 40 is the new 30. What exactly does this mean? Are we going to see Club 18-30 holidays replaced by Club 28-40? In which case is 30 also the new 20? What it means is that where once turning 30 was where we looked and pondered at our lives and set aside all the childish things that we do, we can now do when we are 40. Fantastic. The most irresponsibly fortunate in Western society have managed to prolong their apparent immaturity for a further ten years and suffer even more monumentously when hitting their half century!

Click here to view the rest of this article and learn more about the author, Marc Steel